Nalon Financial Accounting Services

Italian Job


This is why sanctions on Russia work.

According to Nalon & Partners, it is estimated that Russian public spending since the beginning of the war has amounted to USD 360 billion, but 75% of the industrial sectors…

Программа “Виза Инвестора В Италию”

Статьей 26-бис  Единого Текста об иммиграции  устанавливается новый тип въездной визы для иностранных граждан, которые намереваются осуществить значительные инвестиции или пожертвования в стратегические области экономики Италии и итальянское общество.Требования для…

Starting a Company in Italy: How to Set It Up and How Much Does it Cost

Discover how to start a company in Italy in a simple and quick way. Let’s see the various types of companies, how to set up the one that is more…

Ecco perché le sanzioni alla Russia funzionano.

Secondo Nalon & Partners, si stima in 360 miliardi di dollari gli investimenti della spesa pubblica russa dall'inizio della guerra ma il 75% dei settori industriali è in contrazione o…