
This is why sanctions on Russia work.

According to Nalon & Partners, it is estimated that Russian public spending since the beginning of the war has amounted to USD 360 billion, but 75% of the industrial sectors are shrinking or collapsing vertically, thanks to Western sanctions.

The sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries are unprecedented and far exceed any sanctions ever imposed in history. To name but a few: half of Russia’s bank reserves in foreign currency, amounting to $580 billion, have been seized and almost all Russian banks have been cut off from international transfer systems, which means Russian companies cannot pay and collect from foreign suppliers. Nearly two thousand individuals and companies have been sanctioned, there has been a naval and air blockade, and the import and export ban on many manufacturing and technology products has been lifted.

Six months after coming into force, for several Western observers, the sanctions against Russia are not working. Even in Italy, several politicians argue that the sanctions damage the national economy more than Russia. On the other hand, according to data from the International Monetary Fund, Russia’s GDP fell by only 6% instead of the 15% predicted by economists: less than half. Moreover, record commodity prices are contributing to Russia’s record trade balance: thanks to stratospheric increases in fuel prices, Russia has doubled its currency receipts compared to a year ago.

In reality, according to Nalon & Partners, a Bologna-based consulting firm, sanctions on Russia work and work well. ‘Economic indicators,’ they explain at Nalon & Partners, ‘cannot be read on their own but must be contextualised with other indicators. Only then is it possible to get a picture of the health of an economy. And the Russian one is bad’.

“To begin with, suffice it to say that the 6% drop in GDP is a serious sign. Because, in reality, Russian GDP was supposed to grow.”


‘In war,’ they explain at Nalon & Partners, ‘the GDP of a country, which does not actually conduct it on its own soil, must explode. Because, apart from the death and destruction it brings, war is the biggest public expenditure a state can make. Since Russian factories and cities are not affected by the destruction of production facilities, as is the case in Ukraine, the Russian situation is similar to that of the United States during World War II. The country is at war but on someone else’s territory, and the production facilities of others are destroyed. The US, by way of comparison, had a GDP growth of between 20% and 30% per year during the Second World War, thanks to government spending on the war. So much for a 6% contraction!’

And the Keynesian model has shown that if I invest billions in public spending on military salaries and orders to the war industry, the aggregate demand curve rises, and the GDP, of which public spending is a part, must, of necessity, rise.
Although the figures are secret, American estimates show that Russia spends between $500 million and $700 million a day on its war, paying the army and ordering new weapons from the industry. This is public spending. If we take the lowest estimate, to date, Russia has already made a public expenditure of around 90 billion dollars, money injected into its economy in the form of orders and salaries and financed, for the most part, by the positive balance of trade (the famous gas). But one must also consider the indirect effects of public spending, i.e. the induced effects that $90 billion brings into an economy.

Let’s consider, as an average, the marginal propensity to consume equal to ¾ (i.e. of every extra dollar that came to the Russian economy from public spending due to the war, 75 cents is spent on consumption by workers and business owners and the remainder saved). It means that the multiplier effect on the GDP would amount to $360 billion to date. A real injection of money should give us the biggest GDP growth ever recorded, as in the US during World War II, they conclude at Nalon & Partners.
Moreover, Russia’s GDP has to grow, not only because of the largest cash injection in its history, but also because of its record net export balance. Thanks to rising fuel prices, Russia’s net trade balance doubled. If we take April 2022, Russian exports amounted to USD 63 billion; the year before, it was only USD 36 billion (World Bank data).

The Russian economy should, on paper, be in splendid shape, and it would be, were it not for Western sanctions, the ones that are assumed to be ineffective. A country’s GDP is made up of consumption + investment + government spending + net exports. As public spending and net exports go, Russia is doing great. Why is GDP falling?

For two reasons, explain Nalon & Partners.

The first is the interest rate imposed by the Russian Central Bank to try to halt the collapse of the rouble, a purely political and image purpose in which the currency’s value and the economy’s real growth are chosen. The high-interest rate counterbalanced the mega-investment in public spending due to the war (an effect known as ‘crowding out’, i.e. the contraction of aggregate demand induced by an increase in the interest rate and the consequent decrease in investment), reducing the beneficial effects on the economy. This shows – contrary to those who claim that the Russian Central Bank managed the crisis well – that the Central Bank further damaged the country’s growth with a monetary policy bent on politics.

The second reason for the GDP fall is the consumption and investment collapse. If, in fact, two out of the four items that make up the GDP are growing disproportionately (public spending and net exports), the other two (consumption and investment) must, of necessity, have suffered a monstrous collapse in order not only to bring GDP growth to zero but also to have brought it into negative territory.

This is confirmed by data from Rosstat, Russia’s Istat. It is the official data from the Kremlin.

The data for industrial production for July 2022 show a slump in some vertical sectors. Of 24 industries, 18 have contracted, ranging from minus 2% in the beverage sector to minus 60% in the automotive sector. Minus 60%, we repeat, according to Russian data (90% according to US data). A contraction that should not be there in an economy with $360 billion of newly injected public spending. Instead, a contraction comes from the flight of Western companies and the closure of factories. From MacDonald to Ikea, from Siemens to Shell – hundreds of Western companies have left Russia; on the other hand, the embargoes on technology prevent Russian factories from resuming production on their own, and this is particularly visible in high-tech sectors such as the automotive industry.
To those who say that sanctions don’t work, just answer: ‘imagine what happens in Italy if 75% of industries drop production all together. And some by 60% in one fell swoop’.

For the six industries that have held up, we see the effects of war investments (the famous 90 billion in direct government spending in the form of orders to industry). The metal industry grew by 30% (tanks), the pharmaceutical industry by 17% (casualties) and clothing by 3% (uniforms).

The collapse of industrial production in about 75 per cent of a country’s industries inevitably brings the collapse of consumption. Companies produce less and consumers buy less. This collapse is documented indirectly by the deflation that has hit Russia.
Since the beginning of August, the consumer price index has fallen by about 0.40 per cent, and inflation has fallen by 0.80 per cent. That is, prices are falling. This is not as good news as it might sound. It means that consumption is falling, often not due to consumers’ will but due to a reduced supply of goods and services. And a drop in consumption combined with a drop in industrial production means a deflationary and recessionary spiral where industries invest less and less and produce less and less, consumers consume less and less, and workers stay at home.

If the purpose of sanctions is to hit the Russian economy, sanctions on Russia are effective, they conclude at Nalon & Partners. Not for nothing, Russia demands their easing as the first topic in any negotiation.

However, whether the sanctions will have a political consequence in Russia and on its government is another matter altogether.


Программа “Виза Инвестора В Италию”

Статьей 26-бис  Единого Текста об иммиграции  устанавливается новый тип въездной визы для иностранных граждан, которые намереваются осуществить значительные инвестиции или пожертвования в стратегические области экономики Италии и итальянское общество.

Требования для получения визы инвестора:
Новая въездная виза для инвесторов может быть выдана иностранцам, которые намерены осуществлять:

а) инвестиции на срок не менее двух лет и в размере не менее 2.000.000 евро в ценные бумаги, выпущенные правительством Италии; или же

б) инвестиции на срок не менее двух лет и в размере не менее 500.000 евро в инструменты, представляющие капитал итальянской компании, или не менее 250.000 евро, если эта компания является инновационным старт-апом; или же

c) пожертвование в размере не менее 1.000.000 евро для поддержки проекта, представляющего общественный интерес в области культуры, образования, управления иммиграцией, научных исследований, восстановления культурных и ландшафтных ценностей.

Порядок получения вида на жительство для инвесторов:


Чтобы получить визу инвестора, сначала необходимо подать запрос на получение Нулла Оста (ред. разрешение), которое выдается комитетом Виза инвестора для Италии (IV4I) через сайт После заполнения форм и загрузки необходимых документов у Комитета есть 30 дней, чтобы оценить заявку и сообщить о результатах. После выдачи Нулла Оста у заявителя есть шесть месяцев, чтобы подать заявление на получение визы в Консульство/Посольство по месту жительства. Виза инвестора имеет срок действия два года и может быть использована для въезда в Италию в течение двух лет после ее выдачи.


После въезда в Италию по въездной визе у заявителя есть 8 дней, чтобы подать запрос на получение вида на жительство для инвесторов в соответствующем Управление полиции. Вид на жительство сроком на два года выдается только после подтвержденного осуществления инвестиции или пожертвования в течение 3 месяцев с даты въезда путем загрузки документации на сайт

Вид на жительство для инвесторов может быть продлен еще на 3 года в случае сохранения инвестиции или пожертвования после выдачи нового Нулла Оста Комитетом IV4I. В случае отсутствия необходимых реквизитов для продления можно будет запросить конверсию в вид на жительство другого типа (например, рабочий), если будут соблюдены соответствующие юридические требования.

По истечению пяти лет постоянного проживания можно будет выбрать, продлевать ли вид на жительство для инвестора или запросить выдачу вида на жительство ЕС для долгосрочных резидентов.


Голубая карта ЕС (статья 27 quater Законодательного декрета 286/98 – Единый Текст для Иммиграции) – это особое разрешение, выдаваемое сверх квот, установленных Декретом о потоках иностранной рабочей силы, высококвалифицированным иностранным работникам, которые намереваются работать в Италии.

Под «высококвалифицированным» подразумевается работник, который обладает:

  • высшим образованием (диплом о высшем образовании) продолжительностью не менее трех лет;
  • профессиональной квалификацией, соответствующей уровням 1, 2 и 3 классификации профессий ISTAT (Итальянский национальный институт статистики) 2011 года;
    в случае регламентированных профессий – требованиями для осуществления профессии в Италии.

Разрешение на работу для выдачи Голубой карты ЕС запрашивается работодателем в Иммиграционном Отделе компетентной Префектуры путем регистрации в электронной системе Министерства внутренних дел (, заполнив соответствующую форму (Modulo BC). После оценки запроса и подтверждающей документации Префектура выдает Нулла Оста, которая позволит работнику запросить в консульском учреждении въездную визу в Италию.

Вид на жительство под названием «Голубая карта ЕС» выдается высококвалифицированному иностранному работнику после подписания трудового договора о пребывании в соответствующем Управление полиции. Срок действия вида на жительство составляет два года в случае бессрочного трудового договора, а в случае срочного договора срок действия соответствует продолжительности трудового договора плюс три месяца.

Требования для доступа к процедуре:

  • Предложение работы: рабочий контракт должен быть на срок не меньше одного года, а предлагаемая заработная плата должна быть не менее трехкратного минимального уровня, необходимого для освобождения от расходов на здравоохранение (примерно 25.000 евро).
  • Высшая профессиональная квалификация: предлагаемая должность должна подпадать под “уровни 1, 2 и 3 классификации ISTAT профессий CP 2011” (законодатели, предприниматели и высшее руководство, интеллектуальные, научные и узкоспециализированные профессии, технические профессии).
  • Диплом о высшем образовании: должен быть выдан высшим учебным заведением после как минимум 3 лет обучения. В случае, если предлагаемая должность относится к регламентированным профессиям, необходимо соответствовать требованиям для осуществления регламентированных профессий.

Дикьярационе ди валоре (ред. Декларация ценности): диплом работника о высшем образовании должен быть “подтвержден” консульским учреждением Италии в стране, где он был выдан (Дикьярационе ди валоре).
Процедура выдачи Голубой Карты ЕС
Выдача Нулла Оста: после подачи запроса работодателем через электронную систему, созданную Министерством внутренних дел.
Выдача Визы: после подачи запроса на получение визы в компетентное Консульство Италии в Стране происхождения работника.
Подписание Договора на пребывание (в стране): после въезда в Италию с визой работник должен подписать Договор на пребывание в течение 8 дней после визита в Иммиграционную службу, которая выдала Нулла Оста.
Запрос Вида на жительство: подается через Почтовое Отделение в соответствующее Управление полиции после подписания Договора на пребывание в течение 8 дней после въезда. Вид на жительство будет иметь формулировку “Голубая карта ЕС”.
Владелец Голубой карты ЕС в течение первых двух лет легального трудоустройства на территории Италии может осуществлять только трудовую деятельность, соответствующую условиям разрешения на проживание, а смена работодателя требует предварительного разрешения компетентных территориальных Отделов труда.

Иностранцы, имеющие синюю карту ЕС, выданную другим государством-членом ЕС, после 18 месяцев легального проживания могут въехать в Италию без визы для осуществления высококвалифицированной трудовой деятельности. Работодатель должен подать заявление на получение разрешения на работу в течение одного месяца после въезда работника на территорию страны.


Виза по мотиву Выбранное место жительства может быть выдана иностранным гражданам, которые намерены поселиться в Италии и могут обеспечивать себя самостоятельно, не занимаясь какой-либо трудовой деятельностью (Межведомственный Декрет от 11 мая 2011 г. и Регламент (ЕС) № 977/2011 Комиссии от 3 октября 2011 года).

Требования для получения визы по мотиву Выбранное место жительства:
продемонстрировать наличие жилья, которое будет избрано в качестве места жительства,
продемонстрировать наличие крупных, стабильных и регулярных источников доходов, о неизменности которых можно предположить и в будущем. Источниками таких доходов могут быть:
пассивный доход (пенсии, ренты),
владение недвижимостью,
владение стабильной коммерческой деятельностью,
другие источники, кроме работы по найму.
Оценка достаточности экономических средств осуществляется по усмотрению итальянских консульских органов за границей при выдаче визы. Единственным условием является то, что доходы должны быть не менее чем в три раза больше суммы, предусмотренной директивой Министра внутренних дел Италии от 1 марта 2000 года.

Если финансовые возможности считаются достаточными, виза по мотиву Выбранное место жительства может быть выдана также совместно проживающему супругу, несовершеннолетним детям и детям достигшим 18 лет, проживающим вместе и находящимся на иждивении.

Порядок получения вида на жительство по мотиву Выбранное место жительства:

Заявитель подает запрос на получение визы в соответствующее консульство/посольство Италии в стране проживания. Виза выдается в течение 90 дней после запроса.

В течение 8 дней после въезда в Италию иностранец должен подать запрос на получение вида на жительство в территориально уполномоченное Управление полиции через уполномоченные почтовые отделения, заполнив соответствующую форму запроса и приложив подтверждающую документацию. Вид на жительство выдается обычно сроком на один год.
Разрешение на выборное проживание позволяет пребывать в Италии иностранцу, способному содержать себя самостоятельно, не занимаясь какой-либо трудовой деятельностью в Италии. Заниматься трудовой деятельностью фактически запрещено.

Вид на жительство по мотиву Выбранное место жительства может быть продлен до тех пор, пока сохраняются требования (владение жильем, которое выбрано в качестве места жительства, и соответствующий независимый доход). После пяти лет постоянного проживания и при наличии необходимых требований обладатель вида на жительство для выборного проживания может подать запрос на выдачу вида на жительство ЕС для долгосрочных резидентов.

Вид на жительство по мотиву Выбранное место жительства может быть выдан иностранному гражданину путем конвертации уже имеющегося у него вида на жительство (статья 14, пункт 1, подпункт d): для работы по найму, в случае самозанятости, по семейным обстоятельствам, когда заявитель прекращает работать и выходит на пенсию по достижению определенного возраста, пенсию по инвалидности или социальную пенсию.

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Starting a Company in Italy: How to Set It Up and How Much Does it Cost

Discover how to start a company in Italy in a simple and quick way. Let’s see the various types of companies, how to set up the one that is more suitable for your business, and what are the costs for opening and managing a company.

What is a company and which one you’d better set up

A company is an organization of one or more people who take part in it with money or property in order to run a common business. The typical purpose of a company is to make profits which will be divided among the partners (profit-making). In order to start the business, the company makes use of the property or money that are made available by each partner when the company is set up.

There are two basic types of companies: partnership company and limited company. Let’s see more specifically what are the differences between them: partnership companies are characterized by a strong personal tie with their own partners, who have to answer with their personal assets for the debts and obligations of the company (unlimited liability towards the creditors), while limited companies are characterized by a less personal tie with their own partners. In this case, the company has to answer for the debts and obligations of the business, and the partners only answer within the limits of what they deposited (limited liability).

Choosing which type of company you should start depends on many factors, such as the characteristics of the business and the liability that you intend to give to the partners. Partnership companies are less used because the partners have unlimited liability and they are more suitable for small businesses or for running simple businesses. Limited companies are more used because they safeguard the partners and limit their liability.

Starting the company in Italy.

Types of limited companies and differences.

There are many versions of limited companies, with a series of characteristics to take into consideration. Let’s see what are the differences for each type:

  • limited liability company (S.r.l. – Società a responsabilità limitata) is currently the most common and flexible type of limited company. It can be set up with a minimum capital equal to 1€ and the partners participate in it with shares that can have a different value for each member.
  • joint stock company (S.p.A. – Società per azioni) is more suitable for big companies and it needs a minimum capital of 50,000 €. With this type, the partners can participate with shares whose value is fixed and is the same for every partner.
  • partnership limited by shares (Società in accomandita per azioni) is a particular version of the joint stock company which allows you to have two categories of partners: those who can run the company and who, in case of mistakes, have to pay for damages (general partners), and those who can not run the company and who have to answer for the debts only within the limits of their shareholding (limited partners).
    Limited liability companies are currently the most used for a new business. There are a few subtypes of S.r.l. to take into consideration. Let’s see them more specifically.

1. Ordinary S.r.l.

A limited liability company (S.r.l.) is the simplest and most flexible company you can start. An S.r.l. can have a minimum company’s capital equal to 1 € and a limitless maximum capital. It can be started with reduced costs and in a quick way by going to the notary. Moreover, an S.r.l. is recommended as it is suitable for starting any business quickly and without particular fulfilments. For this reason it is the most chosen type of company in Italy.

2. Innovative startup

An innovative startup is an S.r.l. that has the advantage of benefitting from a considerable saving on initial taxes and from other reductions (e.g. the partners can have access to fiscal incentives and special funds). The business, however, has to regard the manufacturing, development and sale of products or services that are innovative and highly technological, and it has to observe certain requirements. The startup can be started quickly as well.

A startup is recommended for starting an innovative business. It is conceived for those who deal with products or services that are new on the market or anyway made through a highly-technological process. These features must be clearly indicated in the corporate purpose of the startup. For example, a company that develops a management software which automates corporate accounting (innovative aspect) and makes use of a proprietary algorithm for data processing (highly-technological aspect).

3. S.r.l.s.

A simplified S.r.l. (or S.r.l.s. – S.r.l. semplificata) is a particular type of S.r.l. that has lower initial costs compared to a standard S.r.l. but it has many limitations. In particular, the partners can only be natural persons, the corporate capital cannot exceed 9,999 € and it is not possible to personalize the articles of partnership (e.g. it is not possible to limit the sale of the partners’ shares). The only advantage of an S.r.l.s. is that, compared to an S.r.l., you don’t have to pay a fee for setting it up.

After setting it up, an S.r.l.s. is subject to the same management costs of a standard S.r.l., as the taxes and the fulfilments of the two types of company are the same (e.g. accounting and balance). In order to go beyond the limitations of an S.r.l.s. it is necessary to convert it through a notary deed, with a higher cost than directly setting up an S.r.l.

How to start a company: steps and stages

In order to create any company it is necessary to make a series of steps. The partners can directly set it up by going to the notary or they may decide to only undertake, for the future, to create a company. Here come the details of the two alternatives.

Before actually setting it up, the future partners can undertake to go to the notary by a certain date. This commitment may result from a written agreement, through the signing of a preliminary company agreement. This agreement also gives the possibility of establishing the main aspects of the business, such as the corporate capital and the type of company.

The alternative consists in directly setting the company up. This is the quickest and most chosen option. Let’s see all the necessary fulfilments.

1. Creating the deeds of partnership
The first step is the creation of the articles of association and the deed of partnership. The latter contains the data related to the partners and the company (e.g. the name of the S.r.l.). The articles of association regulate the inner workings of the company (e.g. they describe the powers of the administrators, sole director or board of directors).

2. Depositing the capital
After creating the deeds of partnership, the partners have to deposit the corporate capital. The partners freely decide the amount to be deposited, however it is always recommended that you cover the initial costs (e.g. for purchasing the necessary machinery). The deposit can be made with a bank transfer or, in some cases, with a bank draft.

3. Setting up and drafting at the notary
The next step consists in going to the notary for setting up the company. Starting from 14 December 2021 it is no more necessary to be in person at the notary office; it is possible to set up the company online with the notary, using a webcam. All the partners and administrators of the company must be present in person or by videoconference (in this case they will also need to have an active digital signature). The notary will identify those present, will check that the capital has been deposited and will formalize the setting up of the company.

4. Initial fiscal fulfilments
The company must have its own tax code and VAT number. These codes are assigned by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) and they usually match. These initial fiscal fulfilments are often taken care of by the accountant who looks after the book-keeping of the company.

5. Enrolment in the business register
Once you have obtained a tax code and a VAT number, the company is enrolled in the business register. This register is a computerized database that contains the information regarding the Italian companies (e.g. registered office and certified email address – P.E.C.). The enrolment is carried out by the notary, and with this fulfillment the company becomes for all intents and purposes an autonomous subject compared to the individual partners (it acquires the legal status).

6. Communicating the start of the business
In order to be able to start the business, there is also a series of administrative and fiscal fulfilments to carry out. It is necessary to communicate the start of the business, which consists in sending some telematic declarations to the relevant authorities. The communication will vary according to the type of business, for example a construction company must present a specific certified notice (SCIA).

How much does it cost to start a company

The costs of a company are divided into two categories: the notary costs for setting it up and the costs to run the business. Let’s see them in detail.

Costs for setting up the company and for the book-keeping

The costs for setting up the company can vary greatly depending on the demands of the partners, on the city and on the notary. On average, the total cost for starting an S.r.l. is around 1,500 € + VAT. The taxes depend on the type of company: for an ordinary S.r.l. you will have to pay around 600 € of taxes, for a startup around 200 € and for a S.r.l.s. there are no notary costs but only around 320 € of taxes.

Once the company has been set up, you have to complete the fulfilments to start the business and correctly manage the book-keeping. The accountant cost for an S.r.l. is, on an average, 3000 € per year, in addition to 700 € of taxes. This yearly cost includes a series of periodic fulfilments and the book-keeping of the company (e.g. paying the taxes and depositing the balance).

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Ecco perché le sanzioni alla Russia funzionano.

Secondo Nalon & Partners, si stima in 360 miliardi di dollari gli investimenti della spesa pubblica russa dall’inizio della guerra ma il 75% dei settori industriali è in contrazione o in crollo verticale, grazie alle sanzioni occidentali.

Le sanzioni imposte alla Russia dai paesi occidentali sono senza precedenti e superano di gran lunga qualsiasi altra sanzione mai imposta nella storia. Per citarne sole alcune: metà delle riserve bancarie russe in valuta estera, pari a 580 miliardi di dollari, sono stati sequestrati, quasi tutte le banche russe sono state tagliate fuori dai sistemi di bonifici internazionali, che significa impossibilità per le aziende russe di pagare ed incassare dai fornitori esteri, quasi duemila persone e società sanzionate, blocco navale e aereo, divieto di import ed export di molti prodotti manifatturieri e tecnologici.

Dopo sei mesi dall’entrata in vigore, per diversi osservatori occidentali, le sanzioni contro la Russia non stanno funzionando. Anche in Italia, diversi politici, sostengono che le sanzioni facciano più danno all’economia nazionale che alla Russia. D’altronde, secondo i dati del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, il PIL della Russia è calato di solo 6% in luogo del 15% previsto dagli economisti: meno della metà. Inoltre, i prezzi record delle materie prime contribuiscono al saldo record della bilancia commerciale russa: grazie agli aumenti stratosferici dei prezzi dei carburanti, la Russia ha raddoppiato gli incassi in valuta rispetto ad un anno fa.

In realtà, secondo Nalon & Partners, una società di consulenza con sede a Bologna, le sanzioni alla Russia funzionano e funzionano bene. “Gli indicatori economici – spiegano alla Nalon & Partners – non possono essere letti da soli ma devono essere contestualizzati con gli altri indicatori. Solo così è possibile avere un quadro dello stato di salute di un’economia. E’ quella russa è grave”. “Per iniziare, basti dire che il calo del pil del 6% è un segnale grave. Perché, in realtà, il pil russo deve crescere.

In guerra, infatti – spiegano alla Nalon & Partners – il pil di un paese, che non la conduce sul proprio suolo, deve esplodere. Perché, oltre la morte e la distruzione che porta, la guerra è la più grande spesa pubblica che uno Stato possa fare. Dal momento che le fabbriche russe e le città russe non sono interessati dalla distruzione degli impianti produttivi, come avviene in Ucraina, la situazione russa è simile a quella degli Stati Uniti durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Il paese è in guerra ma su territorio altrui e si distruggono gli impianti produttivi degli altri. Gli Stati Uniti, per fare un paragone, avevano un pil in crescita tra il 20% e il 30% annuo, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, grazie alla spesa pubblica per la guerra. Altro che 6% di contrazione.

E il modello keynesiano ha dimostrato che se investo miliardi di spesa pubblica in stipendi dei militari ed ordini all’industria bellica, la curva della domanda aggregata aumenta e il pil – di cui la spesa pubblica è parte – deve, necessariamente, crescere.

Anche se i dati sono secretati, le stime americane ci indicano che la Russia spende tra i 500 e i 700 milioni di dollari al giorno per la propria guerra, tra pagare l’esercito e ordinare nuove armi all’industria. Questa è una spesa pubblica. Se prendiamo come riferimento la stima più bassa, ad oggi, la Russia ha già effettuato una spesa pubblica per circa 90 miliardi di dollari, soldi iniettati nella propria economia sotto forma di ordini e stipendi e finanziati, in maggior parte, dal saldo positivo della bilancia commerciale (il famoso gas). Ma bisogna considerare anche gli effetti indiretti della spesa pubblica ovvero l’indotto che i 90 miliardi di dollari portano in una economia.

Se consideriamo, come media, la propensione marginale al consumo pari a ¾ (ovvero di ogni dollaro in più arrivato all’economia russa dalla spesa pubblica dovuta alla guerra, 75 centesimi vengono spesi in consumi dai lavoratori e proprietari delle imprese e il restante risparmiato), significa che l’effetto moltiplicatore sul pil1 sarebbe pari a 360 miliardi di dollari fino ad oggi. Una vera e propria iniezione di denaro che dovrebbe farci assistere alla più grande crescita del pil del paese, come negli Stati Uniti durante la seconda guerra mondiale, concludono alla Nalon & Partners.

Inoltre, il pil russo deve crescere, non solo per l’iniezione di denaro più grande della sua storia, ma anche per il saldo record delle sue esportazioni nette. Grazie all’aumento dei prezzi dei carburanti, il saldo netto della bilancia commerciale russa è raddoppiato. Se prendiamo il mese di aprile 2022, le esportazioni russe erano pari a 63 miliardi di dollari, l’anno prima erano di soli 36 miliardi (dati World Bank).

L’economia russa dovrebbe, sulla carta, essere in splendida forma, e lo sarebbe, se non fosse per le sanzioni occidentali, quelli che si assumono come inefficaci. Il pil di un paese è composto dai consumi + investimenti + spesa pubblica + esportazioni nette. Come spesa pubblica ed esportazioni nette, la Russia va alla grande. Perché il PIL cala?

Per due motivi, spiegano alla Nalon & Partners.

Il primo è il tasso di interesse imposto dalla Banca Centrale Russa per cercare di fermare il crollo del rublo, scopo esclusivamente politico e di immagine in quanto tra il valore della moneta e la crescita reale dell’economia, si sceglie la crescita reale dell’economia. L’alto tasso di interesse ha controbilanciato il mega investimento in spesa pubblica dovuto alla guerra (effetto noto come “lo spiazzamento” ovvero la contrazione della domanda aggregata indotta da un aumento del tasso di interesse e la conseguente diminuzione degli investimenti) riducendo gli effetti benefici per l’economia. Ciò dimostra – a differenza di chi sostiene che la Banca Centrale Russa sia riuscita bene a gestire la crisi – che la Banca Centrale ha danneggiato ulteriormente la crescita del paese con una politica monetaria piegata alla politica.

Il secondo motivo del calo del pil è il crollo dei consumi e degli investimenti. Se infatti due voci, su quattro che compongono il pil, crescono a dismisura (spesa pubblica ed esportazioni nette), le altre due (consumi ed investimenti) devono, necessariamente, aver subito un crollo mostruoso per, non solo, azzerare la crescita del pil ma anche averlo portato in territorio negativo.

Lo confermano i dati di Rosstat, l’Istat russa. Sono i dati ufficiali del Cremlino.

I dati per la produzione industriale per luglio 20222 mostrano un crollo, in alcuni settori verticali. Su 24 settori industriali, 18 industrie hanno subito una contrazione che va da meno 2% del settore bevande al 60% del settore automobilistico. Meno 60%, ripetiamo, secondo i dati russi (90% secondo i dati americani). Contrazione che non dovrebbe esserci in un’economia con 360 miliardi di dollari di spesa pubblica appena iniettati. Contrazione che deriva, invece, da un lato dalla fuga delle imprese occidentali e dalla chiusura delle fabbriche. Da MacDonald a Ikea, da Siemens a Shell – sono centinaia le società occidentali che hanno lasciato la Russia-; dall’altro lato, dagli embarghi sulla tecnologia che impediscono alle fabbriche russe di riprendere la produzione in proprio e ciò è particolarmente visibile nei settori ad alta tecnologia come quella automobilistica.

A chi dice che le sanzioni non funzionano, basti rispondere: “immaginate cosa succede in Italia se il 75% delle industrie calano la produzione tutte assieme. E alcune del 60% in un colpo solo”.

Per le sei industrie che hanno tenuto, vediamo gli effetti degli investimenti per la guerra (i famosi 90 miliardi di spesa pubblica diretta sotto forma di ordini all’industria). L’industria del metallo è cresciuta del 30% (carri armati), l’industria farmaceutica del 17% (feriti), del 3% l’abbigliamento (divise).

Il crollo della produzione industriale in circa 75% dei comparti industriali di un paese porta con sé, inevitabilmente, il crollo dei consumi. Le aziende producono di meno, i consumatori comprano di meno. Tale crollo è documentato in maniera indiretta dalla deflazione che ha colpito la Russia.

Dall’inizio dell’agosto, l’indice dei prezzi al consumo è calato dello 0,40% circa e l’inflazione è scesa di 0,80%. Cioè i prezzi scendono. Non sono buone notizie, come potrebbero sembrare. Vuole dire che i consumi calano, spesso non per volontà dei consumatori ma per una minore offerta di merci e servizi. E un calo dei consumi unito ad un calo della produzione industriale, significa una spirale deflazionistica e recessiva ove le industrie investono sempre meno e producono sempre meno e i consumatori consumano sempre meno, gli operai rimangono a casa.

Se lo scopo delle sanzioni è colpire l’economia russa, le sanzioni alla Russia sono efficaci, eccome, concludono alla Nalon & Partners. Non per niente, la Russia ne chiede l’attenuazione, come primo argomento in ogni trattativa.

Se le sanzioni avranno una conseguenza politica in Russia e sul suo governo, invece, è tutt’altro discorso.

1 si è applicata la formula 1/(1-PMC)